
Give yourself . . . the gift of gratitude!

Happy November! This month kicks off the holiday season.
The holiday season is a time of mixed emotions for most people. Some of you will feel joyful anticipation, others sheer dread and still more will experience a bit of both.
November makes me think of Thanksgiving and with Thanksgiving, my thoughts this year are of gratitude. It is so easy to be caught up in the holidays with thoughts of lack. Lack of financial resources, lack of love surrounding you, lack of a career you dream of, lack of the sale you wanted to close.
I want to move your thoughts away from lack and limitation and help you to kick off this holiday season with the knowledge of the great abundance you already have within you.
I am very grateful this year. I am grateful for my family and for my friends. I am grateful for my incredible husband. I am grateful for my body and how it works.
I am so grateful to my wonderful clients who are making phenomenal changes in their lives to realize their dreams. I am so proud of you! (You know who you are.)
I am grateful to you, my readers, for being a part of my dream of helping and sharing with others.
I am grateful that the Chicago fall/winter has been mild so far.
Gratitude is a funny thing. The more you are grateful, the more things you find in your life to be grateful for.
Here are five ways to build a foundation of gratitude that will have you looking at your life with greater joy, greater comfort and great abundance.
Start thinking about gratitude. Each day look for things for which you can be grateful. Gratitude can be found in the smallest of places. Be grateful for the perfect parking spot you found. Be grateful for your favorite soup being served as a special.
Jot down things you are grateful for each day. This can be a great exercise before bed. Just write two or three things for which you are grateful that day. It’s also very comforting to look back on when you have a real tough day.
Look at difficult situations and see what you can be grateful for. So often a difficult situation can get us stuck or worse can move you into a negative downward spiral. Look at the situation, and ask what is there to be grateful for?
Set small goals and acknowledge yourself for reaching them. Often we get caught up in the big picture. The house you want to buy, the partner you want to marry, the sale you want to close. It is important to find ways to acknowledge yourself on the journey toward your goals.
Call or email me for coaching support. Sometimes we are at a place where finding gratitude on our own is hard. You may feel confused, disillusioned, unsure about your path to your goals. You don’t have to do it alone. Be grateful for that and reach out to me for coaching to get you on the track to creating what you want and finding gratitude along the way. Elizabeth@ejoycoaching.com or call 888-242-2638.
Feel free to pop me an email and let me know how you are doing with gratitude and with questions and feedback.
Sending much love to you . . .