
What do you believe?

Recently, a Harris Poll surveyed a few thousand American adults about their religious and spiritual beliefs. Some intriguing information resulted. Not surprisingly, most Americans believe in God, miracles, the immortality of the soul, the afterlife—namely, heaven—the Virgin birth, and the resurrection of Christ.
However, there were some surprises:

  • more than half of all adults also believe in ghosts
  • about a third believe in astrology.
  • more than a quarter believe they were reincarnated from
    other people who walked the earth generations ago.

    The Survey By The Numbers

    90% believe in a God
    84% believe in the immortality of the soul
    80% believe in the resurrection of Christ
    77% believe in the Virgin birth
    69% believe in Hell
    68% believe the devil exists
    27% feel they have been here before and
    believe in reincarnation
    51% believe in ghosts
    31% believe in astrology

    When asked where we go after we die:
    Expect to go to heaven: 63%
    Expect to go to hell: 1%
    Expect to go to purgatory: 6%
    Expect to go someplace else: 11%
    Don’t have a clue: 18%

    In this election year, the Harris Poll also had some interesting information regarding political persuasion. It stated Republicans are more likely to hold Christian beliefs than members of other political parties.
    Also, the poll demonstrates that women are more likely than men to hold some conflicting religious viewpoints in that they have both Christian and non-Christian beliefs. And not all people who call themselves Christians actually hold traditional Christian beliefs. For example, one percent of Christians do not believe in God and eight percent do not believe in the survival of the soul after death. More than a quarter of those who say they are not Christian do believe in the resurrection of Jesus and the Virgin birth. African-Americans are more likely than whites and Hispanics to hold Christian beliefs.
    The level of religious belief is generally highest among people without a college education and lowest among those with postgraduate degrees.
    Our state of mind is very much influenced by what we believe and vice versa. There is no separation between our psychology and health and, therefore, there is no split between the body, mind and soul. In fact, most of our well-being, coping skills and health are contingent upon our beliefs. Many scientists believe that almost all illnesses have belief and psychological foundations in dis-ease.
    It’s important to listen carefully to our “self-talk.” Freud used the term “self-fulfilling prophecy” and we all need to think about this in those quiet reflective moments.
    As the summer ends and the back-to-school season begins, followed by the holidays, our stress levels increase drastically. Now’s the time to put in place some important beliefs about better health and incorporate down time, stress reduction, meditation and time to honor our spirit…as go the SPIRIT-ual beliefs, so go the body and the mind.

    Irene A. Masiello is a Certified Holistic Counselor, Adult Educator, Stress Management Consultant and author of the re-released Paradise Costs-A Victim’s Daughter Fights Back Against Elder Abuse with afterword by internationally acclaimed forensic and geriatric psychiatrist Bennett Blum, MD. Her one-of-a-kind book now contains Dr. Blum’s pioneering assessment techniques demonstrating undue influence and diminished capacity in the elderly. These techniques are used by professionals throughout most of the Western Hemisphere and are given in an easy-to-use format for use in increasing awareness to help prevent elder abuse. Reach her at 718-776-5644.