Photo Gallery Glendale Kiwanis Welcomes New Member By QNS Editorial Posted on January 26, 2012 Sign up for our QNS email newsletter to get news, updates, and local insights delivered straight to your inbox! The newest member of the Kiwanis Club of Glendale was officially inducted into the charitable organization during their meeting last Thursday, Jan. 19, at Zum Stammtisch restaurant. As shown, George Mantikas (third from right) was sworn in for duty under the sponsorship of Glendale Kiwanis Past President Hank Kraker (at far right). Glendale Kiwanis President Ken Dunn (at left) and Past Queens West Lt. Gov. Joe Aiello (second from left) officiated over the ceremony.
Dec. 13, 5 pm BrickHouse Ceramic Art Center Presents 2024 Annual Holiday Craft Show BrickHouse Ceramic Art Center
Schneps Podcasts Dan Rattiner speaks with Sir Peter Cook, an English architect and professor – Episode 211