
Anti-Semitic slogan removed in Whitestone

Anti-Semitic slogan removed in Whitestone
Google Earth
By Gina Martinez

The Whitestone community was up in arms after an objectionable anti-Semitic sign was posted on the door of a home on 163rd Street near 24th Avenue last Friday.

According to neighbors, police were called immediately and the sign was taken down 30 minutes after it was first reported. Neighbors said the home belongs to a 93-year-old woman who lives with her 70-year-old son.

Al Centola, president of “We Love Whitestone,” said he was shocked something like that happened here.

“In this day and age, there is no room for such hatred in this world,” he said. “The atrocities suffered by Jews during World War II should never be forgotten. Our community responded immediately when this was brought to light. Several residents reported it and it was subsequently removed within minutes of being noticed.”

Whitestone resident, Audrey Gatto, posted a picture of the door on Facebook and friends responded with outrage.

“Disgusting! Who are these people? That’s why the world is in such a state. Too much hate. God help us!!” one friend said.

Reach Gina Martinez by e-mail at gmartinez@cnglocal.com or by phone at (718) 260–4566.