Politics This Queens lawmaker’s bill aims to force city to battle some landlords on tenants’ behalf By Ethan Stark-Miller
Far Rockaway Phipps Houses closes on fourth phase of Rockaway Village housing development By Bill Parry
Jackson Heights Months after massive fire, Jackson Heights tenants struggle to resettle in Queens Christine Chung, THE CITY
Astoria Residents in Astoria’s Bridgeview II Co Apartments struggle to get hot water and heat for more than three days amid coronavirus crisis By Angélica Acevedo
Willets Point Gates blocking several Willets Point streets slowed FDNY response to medical emergency: A QNS investigation By Max Parrott
Edgemere Queens councilman pushes community land trust funding with an eye on Rockaway neighborhood By Max Parrott
Real Estate City’s taking action to fix these 18 Queens buildings with severe code & safety violations By QNS News Team
Rosedale Housing inspector from Rosedale was busted for illegal conversion of his buildings By Robert Pozarycki
Jackson Heights City’s second worst landlord has Queens properties: Public Advocate By Sadef Ali Kully
Real Estate City Council approves tax breaks for fully affordable Edgemere housing project By Liam La Guerre
Flushing 208-unit affordable housing and retail project selected for Flushing parking lot By Liam La Guerre
Jamaica City accepting proposals to develop NYPD parking garage in downtown Jamaica By Liam La Guerre
Tomorrow, 7:30 pm Author Talk with Rebecca Bratspies: Naming Gotham, Part II Bayside Historical Society
amNY Day of unrest: Mass protests break out across NYC in support of Mahmoud Khalil, Palestinian protester arrested by ICE at Columbia University