Politics Muslim teen suffers broken eye socket, anti-Trump march in LIC, and 8 other top stories from Queens By Anthony Giudice
News Thousands march from Long Island City to Trump Tower as ‘Queens Responds’ to presidential election By Anthony Giudice
Astoria ‘You’re an Arab, you’re a f—ing loser!’ Bigot goes on apparent Trump-fueled tirade in Astoria By Emily Davenport
Sunnyside Hundreds showed up to Sunnyside to form a plan of action in wake of Trump presidency By Angela Matua
Jamaica Amid rash of post-election hate crimes, Queens leaders come together to call for unity By Robert Pozarycki
Long Island City Students at a Long Island City high school stage walkout in protest of Trump presidency By Emily Davenport
Long Island City Queens residents will march to Trump Tower this Saturday to express ‘Queens values’ By Angela Matua
Bellerose Two bigots harass a hijab-wearing Muslim woman as she rode a bus in Bellerose By Robert Pozarycki
News Trump-inspired harassment, drug bust and northeast car-break ins are among the top 10 stories in Queens By Angela Matua
Police & Fire No-fly zone around Manhattan’s Trump Tower may impact La Guardia Airport in Queens By Robert Pozarycki
Howard Beach ‘Get over it’: Queens councilman’s tweet over Trump protests ignites a Twitter storm By Robert Pozarycki