
Business and Economic Development Thrive Under Shulman

"The face and life of Jamaica Center has been dramatically changed and tremendously improved because of Borough President Claire Shulman’s long and deep commitment to the revitalization and advancement of this key hub of the Borough," Carlisle Towery, President of the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation, stated.
"As you look around an active and busy Jamaica Center, you can see BP Shulman’s stamp on almost every improvement, new facility, expansion, addition and upgrading in the area," he continued.
"While we all deeply appreciate what BP Shulman has done and the projects underway and scheduled because of her efforts, everyone in Jamaica Center is pleased that her concern, interest and participation in Jamaica’s ongoing advancement is continuing," Towery stressed.
Among the recent projects completed, underway or planned in Jamaica Center that Shulman played a vital role in bringing about are:
• The $90 million Northeast Regional Laboratory and Headquarters of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, opening later this year on the York College Campus.
• The $82 million new Queens Family Court that began construction this summer on Jamaica Ave.
• An Archer Ave. parking garage to serve the Family Courthouse and the area, nearing completion.
• JFK International Airport’s AirTrain that will have its major terminal in Jamaica Center and be linked to nine LIRR lines, three subways and numerous bus routes.
• The $74 million Queens Civil Courthouse on Sutphin Blvd. that had been in the planning or talking stages for more than two decades.
• The $38 million Police Dept. forensic lab on Jamaica Ave.
• Major renovations just completed at the Jamaica Arts and Learning Center.
• Converting a closed church at Jamaica Ave. and 153 St. into a Performing Arts and Business Center, now being designed.
• The City’s One-Stop Payment Center just off Sutphin Blvd.
• The Jamaica Market with its 30 restaurants, shops, offices and meeting facility.
• Renovations at the Queens Borough Public Library on Merrick Blvd.
• Restoration of King Manor and improvements in King Park.
In addition, BP Shulman played a leading role in gaining and advancing the key elements in Jamaica Center’s halt in decline and start of its economic recovery. They included: creation and furthering of the 50-acre York College Campus; construction of the Archer Ave. Subway; locating the Social Security Administration Northeast Regional Payment Center at Jamaica Ave. and Parsons Blvd.
BP Shulman also has been instrumental in fostering the industrial segment of Jamaica’s economy. For example, she helped persuade Interstate Bakery to keep the old Continental plant in operation on Douglas Ave., and has assisted Elmhurst Dairy’s expansions.
She is supporting a planned $95 million commercial project at Jamaica Ave. and Parsons Blvd. that will have a movie theatre complex, top-name retail stores, offices and parking.
In addition, the Borough President has used her influence to maintain and increase the number of government and government-related offices and employees in the area.
Commenting on the area, GJDC’s Towery said, "Jamaica Center today is a major regional transportation, civic, business and education center. A great deal of the area’s impressive record of improvements, as well as its great potential for further advancement, is due to Borough President Shulman’s foresight, support, funding and encouragement."