
Democratic Club tackles busing, community issues

At the most recent meeting of the Ozone Park/Richmond Hill Democratic Club, many members criticized the revamped school bus plan, saying that it has caused widespread fear and loathing as hundreds of students were stranded and parents worried that their young children would not be safe on public transit. The plan eliminates dozens of routes and changes pick up times for tens of thousands of children. Some youngsters who once relied on school buses to get to class were instead given MetroCards to take buses and the subway.
A resolution calling for an immediate solution to the confusion was signed by 40 members, who are petitioning Mayor Michael Bloomberg for “an immediate solution to the predatory dangers and severe inconvenience caused to our children.”
This resolution was also jointly signed by the New Americans Democratic Organization and the Queens County Progressive Democratic Club, headed by State Committeemen Chet Szarejko and Louis Marbach, respectively.
“Our kids deserve better, and their safety has been callously ignored by the Mayor’s administration, hence this resolution,” said Albert Baldeo, president of the Ozone Park/Richmond Hill Democratic Club. “I will be testifying before the City Council to speak on behalf of the many parents and children who are facing a crisis here, and we demand solutions.”
Other issues dealt with included improving police relations in the community and empowering new Americans by facilitating more immigrants to become citizens and registering them to vote.
“Our goal is to broaden the base of the Democratic party,” Baldeo said.
The club also called for more funding to be given to schools to ease overcrowding, and to provide more certified teachers, science labs, computers, and after school programs. Baldeo also said that hopes that universal pre-K will soon become a reality in New York state.
Many also condemned the alarming increase in McMansions being built, some of which are not in compliance with the city’s building codes.
Others complained about the air and noise pollution caused by air traffic at JFK Airport, specifically in Howard Beach and Ozone Park.
For more information on the Ozone Park/Richmond Hill Democratic Club, call 718-529-2300.