
Comrie Honors Youth Basketball Team At City Hall

At a recent City Council meeting, Councilmember Leroy Comrie had the opportunity to pay tribute to a group of young athletes who have made their community proud. The I Love Our Youth program’s Hollis Biddies basketball team was presented with a New York City Council proclamation at City Hall as their coaches and parents looked on. The team was honored for finishing second in the 2006 9 & Under/3rd Grade Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Division II National Tournament.
“These young men have successfully represented our community and the entire city at a national tournament,” said Comrie. “We should all be proud of their accomplishments and I expect to see great things from these young men in the near future.”
I Love Our Youth Inc., a not-for-profit organization created to uplift young people, was founded by Hosea James Givan II. The vision of this organization was primarily inspired by the Hollis Biddy Basketball League.
In 1971, Hosea Givan, Sr. founded the program in an effort to present a positive alternative for boys and girls in southeast Queens. The fall of 2006 marked the 13th season of the program being offered at P.S. 118 in the Hollis section of Queens.