
Cunningham getting mountain bike trails

Open up those garages and dig out those mountain bikes you only use on summer vacations. The New York City Parks Department has funded a new program designed to bring mountain bicycling to the five boroughs.
Cunningham Park in Queens and Highbridge Park in Manhattan are receiving makeovers, to include mountain bicycling trails.
C.L.I.M.B. (Concerned Long Island Mountain Bicyclists) along with Jerry Emerson, the owner of Peak Mountain Bike Pro Shop held a fundraiser on Wednesday April 11, at The Brownstone at 44-25 Douglaston Parkway to help create the trail and install new signs and kiosks in Cunningham Park.
C.L.I.M.B. plans to place “trail stewards” to supervise clean-up and the local chapter of National Mountain Bicycle Patrol will offer help to those who may need it along the trails. The members of C.L.I.M.B. have dedicated themselves to the preservation of these trails, the clean up of existing ones and developmental skills to start new trails.
For additional information about the new mountain bicycling trails program in the parks, and to receive more information about C.L.I.M.B. visit https://www.climbonline.org.