A newspaper has two functions. One is to print the news in a fair and balanced manner. The other is to express the opinion of the publisher and/or the editor on what is generally an important public issue and that is accomplished though an editorial. It is important to note the editorial is not news, but an opinion, which may or may not be shared by its readers.
A case in point is The Courier’s editorial in its May 8 issues (Stay On Point) in which it supports the so-called Willets Point development. What is notable about this particular editorial is not what it says, but what it omits.
Some 225 viable businesses employing over 1,300 employees and their dependents totaling over 5,000 people will cease to exist. The notion that these businesses will be placed elsewhere in the city or that these employees will find other jobs is political snake oil. They and their families will be treated as sacrificial lambs for the fat cat real estate Gods who run this city.
The plans call for the foolishness of a 400,000 square-foot convention center in a city that already has the Javits Center, a 700-room hotel in an area besotted with hotels, mostly luxury housing with some minimal affordable housing thrown in. Then there is the plan to build a school in an area surrounded by a major league baseball stadium, a convention center, a large hotel, and directly under the flight path of incoming and outgoing aircraft in LaGuardia airport - hardly conducive to learning.
It is true the area requires infrastructural repairs, conspicuously lacking because of the city’s neglect, but since the taxpayers will foot the bill for those repairs in the proposed development, no reason exists why it cannot be done now and the current businesses remain.
The fact that all of the Queens City Councilmembers except for two, oppose the plan suggests how the people in Queens feel about it and ignoring them is yet another example of the lack of respect afforded small businesses and the little people. If the goal is to gentrify the city with huge taxpayer dollars and drive out the poor and the middle class, the Willets Point plan fits right in. The use of ULURP without knowing and agreeing on every detail is a ploy. If successful, the developers will then be free to do as they wish, and the public will be ignored.
If I were writing the editorial, I would say this is public rip-off on a grand scale and its time has not come.
Benjamin M. Haber
Editor’s Note: Now you have your opinion published too!
A happy reader
Thank you so much for the great article and pictures that appeared in The Courier on my daughter Gianna. She has received so much recognition over this article. Her female classmates now want to donate their hair too.
Maria Petraglia
Howard Beach
Single Payer System
There is an urgent problem that has not, in my opinion been addressed by any of the Presidential candidates! The issue is healthcare at its very best!
My husband, now a retired physician, spoke to his patients re: the subject of a government-subsidized system of health care, also known as a Single Payer System. He attempted to convince patients suffering with long, chronic, debilitating diseases, that when their government subsidizes their care, as countries throughout the industrialized world does for its people, thus reducing the fear of bankruptcy! This system exists from birth to the grave!
If our candidates, (and I am certain that all of them are aware what real universal health coverage is), spoke honestly to the American people, also explaining that our Congressmembers already have this care, their chances of “winning” this coveted leadership position may become more of a reality!
All would benefit if citizens would make this most basic need known to their local legislators who hopefully will “act” for their constituents!
Leonore Brooks
Hillary is toast
I have always thought she was on her own planet, but Hillary Clinton really looks like a lunatic who has lost all sense of reality. She is the only one in the room who does not know it is over. You are done, Hillary. It is time to show a little dignity and bow out of the race with what little grace you have left. But then again, grace and dignity is not something the Clintons have ever been known for.
Michael Chimenti
Fan of Cord Meyer
Recently, there has been some mention of the Cord Meyer Development Company in The Queens Courier. As the director of Chabad of Northeast Queens, a Jewish social outreach organization in Bayside, I would like to comment as well.
When Chabad first got started in Bayside in 1994, we were desperately in need of a venue for our programs. I remember reaching out to Cord Meyer, and we were immediately given use of an empty storefront for our Chanukah House free of charge. That was followed by another storefront for our Model Matzah Factory and yet another for usage as a temporary Synagogue for the High Holidays. In addition, whenever we felt the need for outreach into the Bay Terrace Shopping Center, Cord Meyer was very gracious in allowing us to bring in a Sukkah Mobile and Mitzvah Tank.
Once we acquired a permanent space in the community, our need for empty storefronts diminished, however, Chabad and Cord Meyer have continued working together especially on Chanukah, when Cord Meyer erects a giant Menorah in the Shopping Center, and hosts a beautiful Grand Menorah Lighting Ceremony run by Chabad, with participation of hundreds of people from our community.
We are very grateful for their generosity and we look forward to working together in the future.
Rabbi Yossi Blesofsky
Director Chabad of Northeast
Letters To The Editor
Email us your letters to editorial@ queenscourier.com for publication in The Queens Courier or send them to The Queens Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361, attention: Editorial Department. Please include name and contact information.