By Philip Newman
A transportation advocacy organization has cited New York City for its worldwide Sustainable Transport Award, praising the city for its “political will, bold leadership and citizen engagement” in planning its future.
Beijing, Istanbul, Mexico City and Milan won honorable mention in the awards, presented Tuesday in Washington, D.C.
The city is the first city in the United States to win the top award of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, based in New York City.
“New York City, U.S.A., has demonstrated that political will, bold leadership and citizen engagement can lead to sweeping transportation reforms,” the award citation read.
“In 2008, the city implemented key parts of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s long-term sustainability vision, PlaNYC 2030,” the citation read. “The laudable changes made throughout 2008 have reshaped the experience of walking on New York streets. The city has embraced biking and walking as investment-worthy transportation alternatives, while the traditional car-oriented mobility model is taking a backseat.”
The awards were presented in Washington as part of the Transportation Research Board’s annual conference, attended by transportation professionals worldwide.
Reach contributing writer Philip Newman by e-mail at or phone at 718-229-0300, Ext. 136.