
Residents Have Items Appraised During Country Club Event

Appraiser Eddie Costello returned to the North Shore Towers Country Club on Monday, May 4 to present his own version of “The Antique Roadshow.”

The event began with Costello taking questions from residents, which included a discussion of what makes something an antique. Costello said that, although many think something just has to be a 100 years old to fall into that category, that is not the case.

Instead, it has to have been made before 1830, which is when the Industrial Revolution occurred. He explained that it was at that point in time when things started being made using machines instead of by hand.

“The item has to have some beauty to it,” Costello said. “If it’s beautiful and it was made by hand, 1830 or earlier, you have a legitimate antique. Nothing else is an antique.”

Costello said that there are many ways a professional can tell if an item is an antique or not. He said that he can look at how it was constructed to see if there are indications that a machine was used. Chemical analysis can also be done.

“Mostly, it’s our experience,” Costello said.

If something is not found to be an antique, Costello said, then it is considered a collectible. He said that one of the reasons people will pay a lot of money for collectibles is because of nostalgia.

Following questions and answers, approximately 40 resident were able to show Costello different items of theirs. He then estimated the value.