
A ‘Partridge’ to sing at QPAC

Excitement is already in the air at the Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC) for the upcoming David Cassidy concert, which will mark the first time he has performed in Queens.

“The response has been great,” said Jo-Ann Geffen, Cassidy’s publicist. “Fortunately he has a terrific group of fans and they come from all over the world.”

Geffen said that Cassidy, known to many as Keith Partridge from “The Partridge Family,” is excited for the Saturday, November 21 performance.

“He loves New York and he loves going back there and performing there,” she said. “The audiences are always warm and receptive.”

Cassidy isn’t the only person looking forward to the show. Susan Agin, the managing and artistic director of QPAC, said that this is the first time the venue has experienced such fan loyalty. She compared it to “Beatle mania.”

“Each person we speak to seems to have their own special reason for coming,” Agin said.

Agin also said that this concert will be exciting for her, too.

“I don’t usually get star struck, but I think that, having grown up watching ‘The Partridge Family’ myself…probably the moment that I come face-to-face with one of my teen idols will be exciting,” Agin said.

Agin said the fact that the location for Cassidy’s first performance in Queens shows that Queensborough is not only being recognized from an academic standpoint, but also from a cultural one.

“It’s a tremendous accomplishment to be recognized really worldwide,” she said.

Geffen said that the smaller size of QPAC compared to other venues will enable Cassidy to have more personal interaction with the audience, which she said is nice.

“He always performs his hits and then he has surprises,” Geffen said of the show. “He tries to always make it a little different so that people have a new spin on it.”

Cassidy will be joined by his band for the show, which will be at 8 p.m.

Tickets are $40, $45 or $50.

The Queensborough Performing Arts Center is located at 222-05 56th Avenue in Bayside. For more information, visit www.visitqpac.org or call 718-631-6311.