
Sniffles, fever? Call the NYC FluLine

New Yorkers with flu symptoms now have a new place to turn for a consultation – 3-1-1.

Last week, the city launched the NYC FluLine. Those with flu symptoms who call 3-1-1 will be transferred to a registered nurse for assistance.

“The city is activating the NYC FluLine to help New Yorkers decide if they need medical care for symptoms that might be a sign of influenza,” said New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley.

Although the nurses reached through the FluLine will not give a diagnosis or treatment, they will be able to provide information and advise callers if they should see their doctor or instead stay home.

“If you think you might have influenza, and you can’t reach your regular health care provider, try calling NYC FluLine before going to the emergency room,” Farley said. “It may save you time and cost.”

The Health Department said that the flu activity in New York City is less than it is in the rest of the northeast region. However, “influenza-like illness has increased steadily since early September,” according to the release.

Although the H1N1 virus is circulating, the Health Department has not seen increased seasonal flu yet.

The Health Department said that the most effective way to prevent getting either form of the flu is by getting the vaccinations.

More information on the flu is also available at www.nyc.gov/flu.