
Animal victims on Haiti need help too

As people around the world try to do what they can to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has pledged $25,000 to support the relief efforts of the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH).

“The ASPCA extends its full support to those organizations providing humanitarian relief in this ravaged island nation, and in the coming days, weeks and months, the animal victims of this disaster will also need aid,” ASPCA President and CEO Ed Sayres said. “The ASPCA believes that joining forces and collaborating among our organizations is the most effective way to respond to the devastation facing animals in Haiti.”

Many animals have been impacted by Haiti’s earthquake, including its five million head of livestock.

Animal responders have been gathered in the Dominican Republic to assist, once they are allowed entry into Haiti. Mobile clinics with supplies that include vaccines, antibiotics, bandages and food are being planned, to be sent out by ARCH.

“The ASPCA will continue to make financial resources available to ARCH as appropriate, in order to provide food, water and medical care to livestock, domesticated animals and wildlife,” Sayres said. “Monitoring animals’ needs has been and continues to be difficult due to dangerous conditions.”

Anyone wishing to make a donation to ARCH’s relief efforts in Haiti can do so by visiting www.aspca.org.

“We certainly understand the current focus on human relief, and ARCH continues to monitor the situation,” Sayres said. “We hope that by addressing the needs of the animal victims of this disaster, ARCH will ultimately provide much-needed relief to the entire country of Haiti, humans and animals alike.”