
Congress Republicans District 5

Name: Elizabeth Berney

Party: Republican

Age: 55

Occupation: Attorney, writer, musician

Decision To Run: My concern is that the country is going in the wrong direction, I believe that my background enables me to make a difference. I studied tax policy at the University of Chicago Law School and have litigated cases in a large variety of areas directly relevant to the work of Congress, including international litigation, securities fraud, consumer safety and health care.

Major Issues: Jobs and taxes. People are hurting in every part of our district. Recent spending bills and impending tax increases will make the pain worse. New Yorkers continue to pay far more, and receive far less, than their fair share. We’ve lost our manufacturing base resulting in too much unemployment. We need to reduce taxation and encourage business investment in the energy sector and other areas, which will bring jobs back to this country. I strongly advocate energy independence, which has multiple benefits for our country: It strengthens our nation’s security; adds jobs and strengthens our economy; reduces dollars out flowing to regimes that want to destroy America, and is better for our environment. I strongly support Israel, South Korea and our other true allies.

Top Priorities: Put together a staff that is extremely responsive to problems of people in our district. We will have monthly town hall meetings that everyone in the district can come voice their concerns at. I will read all bills before voting on them. My first legislative focuses will be on preventing tax increases, eliminating the alternative minimum tax, strengthening national security, promoting energy independence, repealing and revising the health care legislation, and ending foreign aid to regimes that incite terrorism.


Name: James Milano

Age: 42

Party Affiliation: Republican and Conservative Party Endorsed

Occupation: Physician Employed past 11 years as Emergency Physician at Saint Francis Hospital

Decision To Run: Our nation is in crisis. It is not often that Americans are confronted with so many current and future uncertainties. Healthcare reform, higher taxes, a high unemployment rate, a weakening economy, a ballooning federal deficit, illegal immigration and weakening national defense are concerns for all Americans. There is a sense of urgency amongst the American people to re-direct our nation and maintain our supremacy in the world. Americans need to feel that they are served by their elected officials and not the reverse. America has blessed me with the opportunity to work hard and achieve the American dream of moral, social and professional fulfillment. It is my intention to preserve the American opportunity for all its citizens.

Major Issues: America’s healthcare system is the greatest in the world, and I aim to protect that standing in the world. Senior citizens should not be made to suffer because of the political ideology and political posturing of select Democratic law makers who pushed through healthcare legislation that is overwhelmingly unpopular with the American people. High quality and affordable healthcare that will not be rationed is my objective. The weakening local economy has led to both a fiscal and social crisis in the region. Many of our willing citizens are unable to find employment, are losing their jobs, losing their homes to foreclosure and are forced to move out of the region. Parents and grandparents find themselves communicating with their families by e-mail and telephone, instead of the traditional family gathering.

Top Priorities: Job creation and economic growth, followed by common sense healthcare reform.