

Name: Carolyn B. Maloney
Age: 64
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Member of Congress

Decision to Run: I have spent my career in public service fighting for New Yorkers and making a difference in people’s lives. From passing financial regulatory reform to passing my Credit CARD Act, we’ve made a lot of progress, but there are many more things that I want to accomplish.
I am proud of the work I have done to provide federal funding for the Queens Plaza Roadway Rebuilding Project, to support the opening near Queensbridge Houses of the first new federal credit union in this state in decades and to bring federal dollars to build six new affordable senior housing residences in Queens. I believe that my record shows that I have the ability to take good ideas and make them a reality.

Major Issues: The top concern is jobs. As Chair of the Joint Economic Committee, I have been working tirelessly to create jobs and get our economy back on track. I was on the Conference Committee that negotiated the financial regulatory reform bill to reform the way the financial sector operates, to rein in abuses and create a new consumer protection agency. Because small businesses are the backbone of our economy, I worked to pass the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act that provides tax credits to encourage companies to hire new workers.
Education is another top issue. That’s why I secured millions in federal funding for Queens educational institutions, including the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts and LaGuardia Community College.

Top Priorities: I will continue working with my Democratic colleagues in Congress to stabilize our economy. I won’t stop working until everyone who wants a job can get a job. I am also determined to pass the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.

Name: Ryan Brumberg
Age: 28
Party Affiliation: Republican Occupation: Management consultant. I spent the last three years with McKinsey & Company helping America’s leading companies fix their most pressing problems. I advised companies on how to expand their operations, merge with strategic partners, and analyze the effects of government policy.
Decision to Run: I believe our country is at a crossroads. With my strong background in business and economics, I can lead our country away from the financial ruin facing countries like Greece, Portugal and Spain. We need to restore the principles that brought our country to greatness in the first place: fiscal sanity, individual responsibility and the entrepreneurial spirit. If you look at the unemployment figures, the projected deficits, the pending tax increases, there is a real threat to the unique prosperity that we Americans have enjoyed for the past 60 years. We cannot afford to put off addressing these problems. History shows that a smaller government allows for a bigger and more prosperous private sector – and private ingenuity has always been the key engine of growth. Major Issues: The economy and taxes. We need to unchain America’s economic potential – create jobs and pay down the debt by leveraging the power of the free market. This means addressing excessive regulation, entitlements, public union benefits and runaway government spending. Carolyn Maloney is planning to impose the largest tax increase in the country on our district – an average of $10,000 per household. This will stifle job creation and economic recovery. Instead, we should cut taxes to stimulate investment and create sustainable industry. The best way to get New Yorkers back to work is to keep more money in New York in the first place. Top Priorities: Repeal the healthcare bill and roll back the unprecedented wave of government expansion.