Got a gripe about your wireless service? If you complain to your cellular service company and you do not receive a satisfactory resolution, you have three different options to file a complaint.
But before filing a complaint, you should know that you must submit: your contact information, the names of all companies involved in the dispute, the names of company representatives contacted and the dates of correspondence with the company. You should also provide documentation of the billing or service problem. Then you can:
? Contact the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The FCC forwards electronic and mail complaints to the service provider and directs the company to respond back to the commission and the consumer within 30 days. To contact the FCC, call 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) or visit
? Contact the New York State of the Attorney General (AG). The Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection handles complaints about contract disputes and fraudulent practices. The bureau also provides mediation services. To contact the AG’s office, call 1-800-771-7755 or visit
? Contact the New York Better Business Bureau. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a nonprofit organization supported by business members. The BBB will take consumer complaints and attempt to resolve them. To contact the BBB, call 212-533-6200 or visit
Note: Not all complaints result in fines or meaningful actions, but voicing concerns will ensure that disputes and inquiries are recorded and responded to.