
Cross Bay Bridge Rebate Program Is Fully Funded

Toll Break For Rockaway Residents

Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder announced that he was successful in securing the inclusion of the residency rebate for the Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge in the final budget that passed last Wednesday, Mar. 28.

The bill (A.9055-D) requires the state to pay the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) for costs associated with reimbursement of EZ Pass tolls paid by residents of Broad Channel and the Rockaway Peninsula for travel over the Cross Bay Bridge.

“I made a pledge before taking office that I would work to eliminate the Cross Bay Bridge toll,” said Goldfeder last Wednesday. “I have made good on that pledge and have secured a huge victory for the hardworking families and businesses of the Rockaways and Broad Channel.

The Cross Bay Bridge is the only intra-borough toll crossing in New York City; for residents of Broad Channel and the Rockaways, it means paying the toll to go to and from work, patronize local businesses, bring their children to and from school and to take care of daily errands.

“The return of this important rebate program is a step in the right direction towards the complete elimination of this inherently fair tax,” Goldfeder added. “This toll has been a burden for the residents and businesses of our community for far too long. The passage of the rebate program in the budget is a tremendous victory for our community, but it is only the first step towards complete elimination of this toll for all of Queens residents. I urge the MTA to act immediately to implement the rebate program as soon as possible.”