
Bill to End Ban on Women In Combat

Say Outdated Policy Overlooks Sacrifice

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Rep. Loretta Sanchez of California announced their new legislation introduced in both chambers of Congress which encourages the Department of Defense to repeal the Ground Combat Exclusion policy for female members of the Armed Forces.

They charged that the policy is an outdated and does not acknowledge the combat role our service women in Afghanistan and around the world are already filling successfully. Women currently comprise approximately 15 percent of the Armed Forces, many of whom serve in dangerous roles on the frontlines.

In fact, of the more than 280,000 women deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan-130 were killed in action, and over 800 servicewomen have been wounded in action. Despite those numbers, female members are prohibited from formally serving directly in combat.

The bill (S. 3182/ H.R. 5792) would require a report on implementation of a termination of the Ground Combat Exclusion Policy for qualified female service members of the Armed Forces. This report must include a proposed effective date for repeal of the policy, a schedule for implementation, an identification of the funds required and an assessment of the impact of the termination on military readiness.

The restriction on the ability of women to fight in combat prevents female soldiers from advancing up the chain of command, as combat experience is required for certain advancements. This restriction cuts short the careers of many of female soldiers before they even have a chance to get off the ground.

Gillibrand said, “Women are already fighting and dying for our country shoulder-to-shoulder with their brothers in uniform on the frontlines, but without the formal recognition that is essential for them to advance and obtain the benefits they have earned. Just like it was wrong to discriminate against service members because of who they love, it is also wrong to deny combat roles to qualified women solely because of their gender. It is time to pass this common sense legislation and I am thankful to Congresswoman Sanchez for her leadership.”