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Whether it was picking and painting pumpkins, enjoying good food or taking in live music, Ridgewood and Sunnyside residents found good times at autumnal celebrations in their neighborhoods last weeks. As noted, the Greater Ridgewood Historical Society hosted on Sunday, Oct. 7, a Harvest Festival at the Onderdonk House. Despite the inclement weather, scores of children were able to pick up their own pumpkins by walking through a patch set up on the house lawn (picture 1). Members of the Kiwanis Club of Glendale and the GRHS welcomed guests and offered a variety of refreshments (picture 2). The Joe Fuoco Music Center of Glendale (picture 4) delighted audience by performing music under the tent, while Nolick the Wizard amazed the festival’s youngest guests with his magic tricks (picture 5). The day before, Sunnyside residents enjoyed an Oktoberfest celebration at Sunnyside Gardens Park last Saturday, Oct. 6. As with the Ridgewood festival, children at the Sunnyside party picked and painted pumpkins (picture 3). There to greet families and children at the event was City Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer (shown in picture 6). As with any Oktoberfest celebration, fine German food and beverages were enjoyed by many of the guests on hand (picture 7).