The Queens Borough Public Library invites the community to help stop identity theft while promoting a cleaner greener, environment and a less cluttered home at “Shredfest 2013,” which will be held in Astoria this Saturday, Mar. 2.
Bring outdated personal papers, financial records and other sensitive documents to the Broadway branch, 40-20 Broadway from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Papers will be shredded and recycled outside the branch free of charge by trained and licensed professionals. Bring as little or as much as you would like to recycle.
This event is co-sponsored by Chhaya CDC, City Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer and the Greening Libraries Initiative at Queens Library.
Paper shredding is a proven de- terrent against identity theft, which can result when someone “Dumpster dives” or sifts through the contents of trash and then uses a victim’s personal information as their own. Additionally, recycling paper keeps it out of landfills (almost half of our paper in thecity is still thrown in the garbage) and spares the massive environmental impact of obtaining, transporting, and milling large quantities of fresh lumber for paper pulp.
For further information, phone 1- 718-721-2462.