
102nd Cop Stops Gun-toting Clubgoer

The 102nd Precinct named P.O. Christopher Chance its Cop of the Month for May, 2013, during the 102nd Precinct Community Council Meeting last Tuesday, May 21, at the Richmond Hill library. Chance apprehended a disorderly, gun-wielding nightclub patron. Pictured, from left, are: J. Richard Smith, council secretary; Sandra Datnarain, council treasurer; Latchman Budhai (behind Datnarain), council president; Harbani Dhillon, council vice-president; Capt. Henry Sautner, the 102nd Precinct’s Commanding Officer; Capt. Matt Hanrahan, the precinct’s executive officer; and P.O. Jose Severino of the precinct’s Community Affairs Unit. The Cop of the Month plaque was donated by the Times Newsweekly.