By Kevin Zimmerman
Coming next week, TimesLedger Newspapers takes a look back at the best of the borough’s theater scene in 2014.
The paper’s Arts and Entertainment section, the QGuide, will present its second annual Queens Kudos Awards to those actors, actresses and directors who delivered performances and productions that outshined the rest.
The acting nominations have been released on Twitter and the Q Guide’s blog, Queens on Cue.
Here is who is in the running for the 2015 Kudos:
Outstanding Actress in a Lead Role: Michelle Federer in “The Cottage” at the Queens Theatre, Laura Frye in “A Christmas Carol” at Queens Theatre, Crystal Kellogg in “Allegro” at Astoria Performing Arts Center, Mary Rasmussen in “Uriel Acosta — I Want That Man!” at The Chocolate Factory and Jennifer Gordon Thomas in “The Unlikely Ascent of Sybil Stevens” at The Secret Theatre.
Outstanding Actor in a Lead Role: Mark Banik in “Allegro” at Astoria Performing Arts Center, Kirk Gostkowski in “Hurlyburly” at Variations Theatre Group, Terry Layman in “King Lear” at Titan Theatre Co., Kevin Loomis in “A Christmas Carol” at Queens Theatre and Richard Mazda in “Richard III” at The Secret Theatre.
Outstanding Actress in a Supporting Role: Jacklyn Collier in “Hurlyburly” at Variations Theatre Group, Maria Couch in “The Cottage” at Queens Theatre, Sandra Karas in “Richard III” at The Secret Theatre, Emily Koch in “In the Bones” at Astoria Performing Arts Center and Toni Elizabeth White in “Allegro” at Astoria Performing Arts Center.
Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Role: Tristan Colton in “This Prison Where I Live” at Titan Theatre Co., Nick Fondulis in “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” at Variations Theatre Group, Chris Harcum in “Hurlyburly” at Variations Theatre Group, Mark A. Keeton in “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” at Variations Theatre Group and Joshua Stenseth in “Allegro” at Astoria Performing Arts Center.
The QGuide also plans to announce the nominees for top director and best production next week on the Queens on Cue blog and its Twitter account, @QueensonCue.
Then check TimesLedger Newspapers Friday, Jan. 30, and online at to see who takes home the prizes.