
Teen Talk: Teens can avoid having regrets after prom night

By Kohar Bayizian

It is a fact that a day will come when you will like or fall in love with someone or have strong attraction to someone, and at some point when you are with that person, you will feel a sexual desire.

We have to deal with this fact in a responsible and intelligent way, so that when the day does come, you will not be taken by surprise, and you will know how to handle yourself and not do something you will later regret.

It is completely natural to discuss sex with friends and close family members. It is a way of bringing us all closer to understanding it and its limitations, or rather, our limitations, because our desires too often drive us much more powerfully than our reason.

Prom night is filled with desires. There are a lot of expectations and misconceptions about sex on prom night. For the girls, in particular, there’s a myth that you have to “go all the way” with your date on prom night. This is only a myth, and you shouldn’t feel pressured by it into doing something you don’t want to do.

Just don’t do it. Don’t do it because you feel you should since it’s often “expected” on prom night. Don’t do it because your date tries to persuade you into doing it. Don’t do it because your friends tell you it’s what you should do. Don’t do it because you’ve been drinking, and don’t do it if you’re not ready because no good will come of it.

And reality is that things happen; sometimes the reason is unknown. Nothing can change reality. And since we can’t hide from reality, it’s best to deal with our feelings and emotions in a responsible, well-thought-out way.

There are other activities that take place on prom night that you may regret taking part in in the morning. Alcohol is the most obvious one. If you absolutely have to drink, please don’t drive. Hire a limousine, designate a driver or just stay off the roads and away from harm. You not only put yourself in danger, but the lives of many others are endangered, as well.

Also, there may be drugs. It happens all the time that students want to experiment on prom night; lots of teens, especially the guys, want to be bold and do things they wouldn’t normally do. Well, don’t do it, because it tends to backfire in the end and the only one who loses out is you.

Finally, partying is important on this night of nights and may even be considered “mandatory.” So, know where you are going after prom and make sure it’s a safe place where everyone will have a good time.

But above all, remember to have fun. Try to let loose, but keep your inhibitions and morals intact. Before doing anything, ask yourself if you would one day regret it.