
Jeff Choi

Senior, Brooklyn Tech High School
Forest Hills

Job: Jeff Choi, 18, is a senior at Brooklyn Tech High School. He is on the swim team, serves as captain of the golf team, plays the clarinet, is an Eagle Scout, served as a lifeguard for three years, interned at Congressman Anthony Weiner’s campaign office, and is on the U.S. diving team based in Nassau County.

Family: Choi’s parents were born in South Korea and later emigrated to California, where he was born. The family moved to Forest Hills when Choi was in sixth grade.

Residence: Forest Hills

School/Career Goal: To go to the Air Force Academy (he was nominated by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton) and join the Air Force.

Fondest Memory: “Moving to New York.”

Biggest Gripe: Leaving for the Air Force Academy. It’s a little depressing.

Proudest Moment: Being third in the Novice Citywide [swimming] competition.

Biggest Challenge: Being a part of the swim team and practicing every day.

Inspiration: All of my friends and everyone I respect.