
Wyckoff passes another hurdle; one to go

Only one more hurdle remains for Wyckoff Heights Medical Center to take control of Mary Immaculate Hospital and St. John's Hospital - two Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Center affiliates.
After receiving approval from the New York State Public Health Council's Establishment Committee, the final hearing will take place on Friday, November 10, before the full Public Health Council who will pass its recommendation onto the Health Commissioner following the proceedings.
&#8220It would have all the approvals that were necessary, and we would have to come together with Wyckoff on a closing date,” said St. Vincent’s spokesperson Michael Fagan.
Although the hearing is certainly not a formality, Fagan is hopeful that there will not be any complications with the transaction.
&#8220I think we feel things have gone very well thus far, and we hope they will continue to go well,” he said.
If the health commissioner grants approval for the transaction, Fagan said the closing should be completed by the end of the calendar year.
In June of this year, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court approved the sale to Wyckoff Heights Medical Center putting in motion the process within the State Department of Health. After receiving approval, Wyckoff started to implement transition plans including strengthening billing and collection at both hospitals and modeling their facilities after the teaching hospital motif of the Wyckoff facility.
Wyckoff officials have said publicly that they plan to retain the Catholic identities at the two hospitals, and Borough President Helen Marshall has voiced her support for Wyckoff taking over the facilities in hopes of alleviating the shortage of hospital beds and services available to Queens patients.