
Get away with One If By Land Tours

It’s always nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
One If By Land Tours is one of the leaders in group travel in North America and can serve as your host for fabulous getaways.
The company was founded in Queens by Stuart Weissberg 28 years ago and has been based in North Carolina for the past two years. It has a satellite office in Bayside and has an excellent reputation in the travel industry as one of the best tour companies around.
“We are very personalized and very customer oriented,” Weissberg said. “I use my own standards when doing business. If I wouldn’t eat in a restaurant, then my customers won’t have to.”
They offer extended and one-day student group travel packages and adult group travel plans that include trips to Baltimore, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, upstate New York, Philadelphia and Connecticut. They also run casino excursions, garden tours and shopping trips.
Prices are based on the maximum number of tour participants and are adjusted to reflect actual registration. Complimentary tours offer an industry-leading 1-per-10 ratio for students, and a 1-per-25 ratio for adults.
The Travel Club, for individuals, visits various locations on the east coast.
Weissberg was originally a teacher who excelled in setting up school trips. He decided to try it part-time and it eventually grew into his full-time job.
“I’m more creative compared to my competitors and I’m always looking for new ideas and new venues,” he said. “This company has always been me. I am the company and am out on the tours with the people a lot.”
For more information or to make a reservation, call 800-592-5566 or log onto their website at www.oneifbylandtours.com.