Several state Assembly members have sponsored a bill to prohibit the use of salt in the preparation of food by restaurants with fines of up to $1,000 per violation. While perhaps well-intentioned, this is incredibly ill-advised.
Urging healthy eating is one thing — a worthy thing, certainly. Promoting good nutrition through educational programs in schools, support for health agencies with an educative mission and dissemination of information on how to live a healthy lifestyle all make sense.
But an outright ban on a substance like salt, which in proper proportions is actually necessary for human existence, is either silly or scary.
A salt ban is nanny-state government overreach at its worst. It is also unnecessary. New Yorkers are sophisticated and know a lot about nutrition and which foods to avoid. New Yorkers actually read the packages when they shop and many are educated consumers who use the Internet in order to make informed choices.
New York is in the throes of what some have called the Great Recession, with mounting budget gaps reflecting the failure of the same Assembly members and Gov. David Paterson to take ameliorative steps in the lead up to this economic downturn.
While the private sector and families were retooling and tightening their belts out of necessity, our Albany “leaders” were busy fattening up on a steady diet of our tax dollars.
With the restaurant and entertainment industry struggling like never before, these Assembly members want to dictate not just the content of our favorite restaurant’s menu, but their recipes.
Do they think they are smarter than their constituents and that the constitution empowers them to tell us where and what to eat?
If ever there was an indication that our representatives in the Assembly have fallen out of touch with the needs and concerns of their constituents back here in Queens, this is as good as any.
Vince Tabone
Republican dandidate, 26th Assembly District