
Saujani a worthy Maloney opponent

I am an Astoria resident and a Reshma Saujani supporter, so I feel compelled to respond to a letter published suggesting Saujani was running a “slick” and “nasty” campaign against U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Astoria) (“Don’t believe negative attacks aimed at Carolyn Maloney,” Astoria Times, July 15-21).

Saujani is not asking us to believe some far-fetched character attacks against Maloney. On the contrary, in her mailers, op-ed pieces and speeches at community meetings, Saujani has consistently pointed to examples that demonstrate real problems in Maloney’s leadership.

Maloney held a fund-raiser at the home of a financial lobbyist while negotiating the financial reform bill. That is a fact I think people should know when they consider who to vote for, plain and simple.

Saujani is not asking us to take her word for it. She is encouraging us to consider whether Maloney has done enough to earn our votes. When I consider all of the circumstances, I am with Saujani.

David Mazur
