
Pressure PA to do something about noise

Thank you for covering the airplane noise issue in our area. I live in Jackson Heights and have been enduring the loud airplane noise that blasts over our house on certain days and nights since we moved to our block a year ago. Sometimes it is truly unbearable.

I know our elected officials have pushed for the Port Authority to study the plane patterns, and there is an “official” complaint site and phone line now that many of my neighbors have dutifully been sending information to them.

But this effort on the part of the Port Authority is not solving the problem. This just seems like a way to make the community, not the airplane noise, shut up.

For months now, this noise goes on through the night, keeping us from sleeping and also from even hearing each other speak in our homes.

From what I have been reading in our local papers, the Port Authority seems more interested in expanding the “economic growth” of our airports, not the quality of life of our residents. On a basic level, if we want to keep the jobs we already have, we need to be able to sleep.

The Port Authority says it is gathering and reviewing our complaints. Gov. Andrew Cuomo is now demanding it does so. Other political representatives, like City Councilman Danny Dromm (D-Jackson Heights), are also asking that these noise levels be examined.

But studies are not stopping the noise. There is no talk about “how and when” the extremely loud noise throughout the night will end.

Let us take this a step further and really address the issue, not just pretend that changes are actually being made to benefit the people of the neighborhood.

Sue Stewart

Jackson Heights