The JFK Airport Committee, part of the New York Committee Aviation Roundtable, (NYCAR) held its quarterly meeting at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce office to share updates on the committee. Facilitator Bill Huisman called the meeting to order with guests from the FAA, Port Authority and community.
One contentious issue of the meeting, chaired by Barbara Brown, was the cutting down of many trees in the Idelwild Park near JFK Airport. FAA spokesperson
Chris Shoulders, Obstruction Evaluation Specialist, shared information on the rules used by the FAA when determining obstructions to aviation which include nearby trees.
Through a thorough mathematical explanation, he described height and angle situations where it might be apparent that there is not obstruction but in fact there is according to the FAA formula. Case in point was the decision by the FAA that trees in the Idlewild Park were found to be too high.
Without community participation, the NYC Parks department either cut many trees entirely down or heavily trimmed them.
As a result, this angered many of the voting shareholders having felt sidelined in such a drastic move without participation.
It was noted that there would be a meeting among the Committee, FAA and Parks Department parties to resolve this issue.
The second topic of the evening was presented by James Stevens, JFK Redevelopment Program Director Aviation Department, Port Authority. He gave an insightful presentation on the Vision Plan set forth by Governor Cuomo to rebuild JFK Airport. Stevens described the various construction projects at JFK and the positive future of the airport to meet growth in air travel.
His presentation was not without concern by some on the committee who feel that more development will add noise, congestion and encroachment into nearby communities.
One such complaint already exists when it come to street parking congestion.
Some residents express unhappiness and complained of illegal street parking by big freight trucks.
Again, this matter was tabled for further discussion.
But as contentious, or nay saying by some of the points raised at the meeting were, there was agreement for opposing views to be further discussed and to keep the community involved. One senior manager of the airport recently reminded the community of the terrific economic engine the airport is to the area. Nick Dmytryszyn said that all NYCAR committee information would be posted on the Port Authority website.
The next NYCAR meeting is set for June 9.
FAA approach lane, progress of the and cargo truck illegal parking on community streets.
To see NYCAR /Roundtable updates goto: www.panyn
The next meeting was set for June.
The NYCAR is made up of two committees; JFK and LaGuardia.
NYCAR, noise Committee was started by Governor Cuomo as a platform for residents and shareholders to bring noise and airport matters affecting the community to the government’s attention.