Astoria Post Astoria’s Frank Sinatra School of the Arts to present 16th annual film festival next month
Real Estate Queens had most foreclosures among NYC boroughs in first quarter of 2024: report By Ethan Marshall
News Check out the 14 food destinations in Queens featured on New York Times ‘100 Best’ list By Iryna Shkurhan
News Mayor’s Office launches new interactive map to tackle environmental inequity in NYC By Seán Ó Briain
Things to Do Get ready to enjoy car-free streets and free Citi bike rides during DOT’s Earth Day event, Apr. 20 By Athena Dawson
Things to Do Queens World Film Festival to screen over 150 films in Astoria this month By Iryna Shkurhan
Astoria Post Gianaris and González-Rojas rally for MENA Bill recognizing Middle Eastern and North African communities in state data
Real Estate Affordable housing lottery opens for recently completed 19-story residential building in Astoria, rent starts at $3,105 By Ethan Marshall
Police & Fire Crunching the Queens crime numbers: rapes and felony assaults continue to rise, burglaries decrease slightly By Ethan Marshall
News “Iftar On The Go meals” being distributed twice a week in Astoria during Ramadan By Iryna Shkurhan
Astoria Post ‘A hangout spot with the right people’: NYPD Community Affairs talks shop with youth at Astoria barbershop
Astoria Post Astoria doctor hit with new sexual abuse charges after another one of his victims came forward: DA
Today, 1 pm Tapestry Weaving with Natural Fibers Workshop (English Language) 一塊毛毯:杯墊編織工作坊 (英文班) Queens Botanical Garden