Astoria After nearly four decades in office, Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan decides to retire By Bill Parry
Astoria City expands NYC Kids RISE college savings initiative following western Queens pilot program By Bill Parry
Dutch Kills New report finds food insecurity in Queens at pre-recession levels, but still compounded by economic inequality By Max Parrott
Astoria Several Queens organizations involved in city’s tech workforce training programs By Bill Parry
Jackson Heights Governor signs Farm Worker Bill championed by two Queens representatives By Bill Parry
Jackson Heights Queens lawmakers applaud State Supreme Court decision of farmworkers rights By Bill Parry
Long Island City Lawmakers united on rent control at Ridgewood town hall meeting, but rift over Amazon resurfaces By Max Parrott
Long Island City Long Island City resident announces she’s challenging long-time Assemblywoman Nolan in 2020 By Bill Parry
Ridgewood ‘Ridgewood is rising up’: tenants rally against alleged unscrupulous landlord By Mark Hallum
Jackson Heights Rookie Jackson Heights senator joins veteran assemblywoman in getting farmworker’s rights bill into endzone By Bill Parry
Long Island City ‘The aspirational lights are here in Queens’: optimism spreads at affordable housing groundbreaking By Mark Hallum
Long Island City With eye on Amazon’s arrival in Long Island City, mayor invests in workforce training programs By Bill Parry
Sunnyside Sunnyside community raises more than $120,000 for those affected by five-alarm blaze By Alejandra O'Connell-Domenech
Politics Queens lawmaker announces bill to give women equal representation on state boards By Suzanne Monteverdi
Ridgewood Ridgewood Reservoir will soon be added to the state Wetlands Map, preserving the site By Anthony Giudice
Maspeth This barren Maspeth spot that’s been used as an illegal parking lot will soon be beautified By Anthony Giudice
Ridgewood Community’s push to landmark more Ridgewood homes gets lawmaker’s support By Anthony Giudice
Long Island City Firefighters and elected officials call for reopening of Long Island City firehouse By Angela Matua
Long Island City Gantry Park sports field to open earlier each day after request from Long Island City parents By Angela Matua
Long Island City LIC’s historic Elks Lodge, in the grips of developers, will not be landmarked By Angela Matua
Long Island City Following numerous security issues, lawmaker calls for shorter contract for LIC homeless shelter By Angela Matua
March 13, 4 pm Reception for “Island Sunflower Reflections” exhibition at QCC Art Gallery/CUNY QCC Art Gallery/CUNY
March 13, 7:30 pm It CAN Happen Here! Hallie Flanagan and the Federal Theatre Project Culture Lab LIC