Bayside Douglaston residents think proposed senior living facility is bad for quality of life By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Bayside’s 111th Precinct reports increase in burglaries and car break-ins at Community Board 11 meeting By Jenna Bagcal
Douglaston High-rise assisted living facility set to soar on Douglaston Acres site near shopping center By Jenna Bagcal
Douglaston Douglaston residents ready for legal action to combat property damage from rogue golf balls By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Whitestone and Bayside among the neighborhoods to get relief following extension of alternative North Shore Helicopter route By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside ‘My personal mission is one of community, fairness and transparency,’ says new Community Board 11 chairperson Eileen Miller By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside ‘The city doesn’t do anything unless someone gets hurt’: Bayside resident demands traffic safety on 46th Avenue By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Years after Superstorm Sandy, Throgs Neck Bridge Storm Gate Project presented to Community Board 11 in Bayside By Jenna Bagcal
Auburndale Bayside assemblyman applauds constituents for ‘record-breaking’ Valentines for Vets donations By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Bayside lawmaker’s eighth-annual gift drive is a smashing success, brightening lives of children & vets By Jenna Bagcal
Douglaston Fore! Douglaston residents say local golf course has brought fear and damages to property By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Quality-of-life concerns lead Community Board 11 to reject Douglaston rezoning plan By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Bayside’s 111th Precinct tells residents to stay vigilant following rise in car & home break-ins By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Locals leaders call for ‘minor changes’ to controversial Bayside bike lane By Suzanne Monteverdi
Bayside ‘Give us a safe bicycle lane’: Douglaston residents rail against Northern Boulevard bike paths By Suzanne Monteverdi
Flushing Board 11 approves variance for Flushing plumbing shop with number of stipulations By Suzanne Monteverdi
Little Neck Local teen says his Little Neck ‘LiNk’ idea will improve bus service in northeast Queens By Suzanne Monteverdi
Douglaston Board 11 approves variance plan to bring Lowe’s Home Improvement to Douglaston shopping center By Suzanne Monteverdi
Douglaston Douglaston group pushes to bring Lowe’s store to ‘ghost town’ shopping center By Suzanne Monteverdi
Bayside Douglaston civic plans to sue city over ‘unbelievably insane’ Northern Boulevard bike lanes By Suzanne Monteverdi
Auburndale Thanks to 111th Pct. for dealing with Bayside car dealerships By Terry Pouymari and Henry Euler