
Write to us

You can get in touch with us in a variety of ways. Our address is:

The TimesLedger Newspapers

41-02 Bell Blvd., 2nd Floor

Bayside, NY 11361

To contact the newsroom by phone, call 718-229-0300 ext. 139.

Our fax number is 718-224-2934.

Our e-mail address is news@timesledger.com.

Or, you can use the following form.

This is:
A letter to the editor
Information on an event
Reporting a problem with the site
About another issue

Please note: If you are writing a letter to the editor, please fill in your contact details for verification. We do NOT publish addresses or phone numbers, only the writer's name and the Queens community in which he or she resides.

Letters Policy: The publisher welcomes letters from the community. Your views are important. Letters should be typed or neatly handwritten, and are subject to editing for brevity and clarity. All letters should include writer's name and phone number for verification. Names may be withheld from publication if requested, but letters will not be printed if sent anonymously. Letters must be received by Monday at noon to be printed in that week's paper. All letters become the property of Queens Publishing Corporation and may be republished in any format.

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