
Resources for your relaxation

Q I have enjoyed reading your articles and comments for many years, but I’ve never really seen any information on resources that you use or recommend. Can you provide me with any additional ways that I can manage my stress?

A I am a great believer in using as many resources as possible to create relaxation. I would be more than happy to share a number of resources that I have found to be useful. For your convenience, I will divide them up in terms of category.

The Heartmath.com website provides two products that I found to be fascinating and useful. The first is called Freezeframe, which is a biofeedback device that you attach to your computer and your index finger. The images that appear on your screen will be attractive shots of nature in black and white. As you breathe slowly and deeply and start altering your brainwaves, the black and white images begin slowly turning to beautiful colorful images of nature. It is quite an experience to watch your relaxation translate into color. Another device they have is called Emwave.

You can find a number of relaxation articles on Selfhelpmagazine.com/articles/stress. In addition, there are several stress management articles on my website focusing on a plethora of different topics and stress-related websites.

A number of relaxation CDs I’ve enjoyed are available on www.brainsync.com. You also can find some wonderful guided imagery relaxation CDs on andrewweil.com. In addition, I recently produced a relaxation CD called Innerflight, in which I use guided imagery relaxation to have you imagine yourself at your favorite beach while a music therapist plays relaxing music in the background. You can find this on my website.

There are many options for DVDs. Opamerica.com has created some beautiful natural images of nature on DVD, including images of the ocean, a fireplace and an aquarium. A company called Powerfloe.com shows beaches.
In addition, I should mention that I recently created a series of DVDs based on my stress management workshops and seminars, including programs on Managing Stress, using Humor as a Tool for Good Health and Staying Motivated Despite Stress. You can find these on my website, www.stress-solutions.com.

Of course, I am just touching the surface here of what’s available, and will be recommending additional resources, including free online relaxation support, in future columns.

Robert Lawrence Friedman, MA, is a psychotherapist, coach, author and recognized leader in the field of stress management. He is the president of Stress Solutions, Inc. a corporation that has provided stress management programs to corporations and health care institutions for the past 21 years. He has appeared on Discovery Health Channel, CNBC, Today in New York on NBC, Fox News and others; he has been interviewed by the Washington Times and Cosmopolitan magazine, among others. He is the director of the Queens College Corporate Stress Management Training Program (www.qc.edu). He has recently created five DVDs of his stress management workshops, as well as a relaxation guided imagery CD which you can find at www.stress-solutions.com or by calling 212-229-7779.