
Letters To Santa

With the holiday season in full swing, The Queens Courier wants to make the holidays a little brighter for some of the children in our borough. We went to the James A. Farley Post Office on 33rd Street and 8th Avenue in Manhattan and personally picked up letters children wrote to Santa as part of the “Operation Santa Claus,” Program.
All of the letters we picked up are published in this week’s paper. Some of the stories are cute; some are heartwarming and some show the desperation that some families face everyday just to make ends meet.
Now, The Queens Courier is asking you, our loyal readers, to open your hearts and wallets and help make these children’s dreams come true. Pick a letter, purchase the gift that is asked for, and then bring the new, unwrapped gift to The Queens Courier’s office at 38-15 Bell Boulevard. Clearly label the gift with the letter writer’s name on the present.
In addition to collecting the gifts, The Queens Courier will also be buying gifts for these children, and we will deliver all of the presents to these 18 children and families before Christmas.

Dear Santa Claus,
I am writing to tell you about Angelo, Rianne, and Maya. Although they fight sometimes, they promised me they would not fight anymore. This year Angelo stopped crying when he had to go to school. He is a real big boy now! Rianne has also been doing great in school. She promises to be good. Maya is a sweetheart. Please bring Angelo Star Wars, Power Rangers and Spider Man for Christmas. Rianne really wants a princess cash register. Maya would love a shopping cart. Thank you! Merry Christmas.
Angelo, Rianne and Maya’s Mommy and Daddy

Dear Santa,
My name is Nely.
I have 2 boys. My husband works in a restaurant in dishwashing and delivery. He works 5 days a week in the winter because it’s too cold outside. I’m not working, sometimes I babysit or clean apartments. We are in a difficult time in the winter especially during the holiday.
My apartment is very cold during winter time. My son is 5 and his birthday is in December. My son needs coats, boots, socks, pajamas, toys, games and books.
You are welcome and appreciated very much. Happy holidays and thank you, thank you very much.

Dear Santa Clause,
My name is Victoria, I am 13, and I attend I.S. Middle School. I live with my mom, a little brother and a big brother. My mom is always working so she can never pick me up and take me to school so I have to walk alone. Every time I go to my school, my mom is always afraid that I might get hit by a car crossing Queens Boulevard. I tell my mother that I want a phone so I can call her when I get to school so she can make sure that I am okay and alive. But, she can’t afford it. She can only afford a prepaid phone card for the phone. I have wanted a phone for the longest. The phone that I want is the T-mobile Sidekick Slide. It is so beautiful. I love that phone. It has Internet, and it is not like any other phone. I would love to have that phone, then I could call my mom, and she wont be worried about me.

Dear Santa Claus
My name is erik I always wanted to have a lot of toys for my brothers because they keep bothering me from doing my homework. So can you get that for christmas please Santa claus also super heroes of Spiderman Superman batman, Hulk and power rangers also I will like to have a tricycle for my little brother Noel because he is 3 years old so can you get that for christmas
Thank you very much santa claus

Dear Santa Claus,
Can you bring me a BRATZ please I like Chrismas because santa claus give gift and close to kids and people. That why I like Chrismas.

Dear Santa,
I am writing toy you for some help. We are very desperate in need for winter clothes, boots, and toys like a notebook computer that could help young teenagers do their homework and share. We will be very grateful for your help. My children and I have been feeling sad each holiday that comes around when we receive nothing. Please let this holiday be different for my kids.
God bless all of you wonderful Santas. Jesus loves you and so do I. I am a Christian and believe in Jesus.

Dear Santa Claus
Hi! My name is Yesenia I’m 6 year old I’m go to firts grade discovery class
I know you always kindly ever year send gifts to all those people who write to you. This year I would appreciated if you respond to my petition. can you bring me a Toys phone or boots (10.5)
At this time I’m living on a fixed income and I’m financialy unable to cover Christmas expevises
Anithing you can send me is greatly appreciated
Thank you so much