
Earn Your Shopping Black Belt on Black Friday

Shopping the sales is a great way to save money this holiday season. Everyone knows the best sales are found on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, when malls are packed with people finding great gifts at even greater prices. How do you make the most out of the bargain-hunter dream day?
“During this tight economy, getting that awesome gift is possible with a little creativity and preparation,” says Steve Kemble, “America’s Sassiest Lifestyle Guru” and General Growth Properties gift-giving expert. “The hustle and bustle of the malls on Black Friday is exciting, but to make sure your shopping is a success, I have a few suggestions.”
1) Develop a Shopping Budget and Strategy
First and foremost determine how much you can afford to spend on your holiday gifts — especially in the wake of current economic challenges. Be smart and realistic — it’s not how much you spend, but the thought behind the gift that’s important. Also, now is the perfect time to discretely start asking friends and relatives what they want for the holidays. Once you determine which gifts you need, you can decide what stores to tackle on Black Friday. Plan your day around getting those must-haves before they run out. If needed, you can always plan a second trip to the mall for more common gifts that are likely to remain in stock for a longer period of time. GGP malls are a great one-stop shop for all things holiday.
Once you know what stores you want to visit, go online and review a layout of the mall to determine where to shop and locate the best place to park. Think about whether you are going to take trips to your vehicle to drop off packages. Feel like spoiling yourself a little? Many malls offer valet parking during the holidays, so you might consider this option as well.
2) Comparison Shop
In order to streamline your shopping experience, start a list of the items you need to purchase. Watch for ads in the newspaper and on television at least two weeks prior to Black Friday. GGP malls are a great one-stop shop for all things holiday and offer great retail offers and fun holiday events on Black Friday. Visit www.TheGivingSpree.com for more event information.
3) Eat, Drink and Shop Happy
It is important to stay hydrated and eat a balanced meal while shopping. After all, you need your energy! Successful shoppers know that they need to start their day with a nutritious breakfast. Pack some bottles of water and small snack items to take with you on your trip and you’re off and running. Additionally, it’s always fun to plan for a wonderful lunch with family and friends during your day of shopping. Consider eating a little earlier or later than the traditional noon hour. While others are eating you can be scooping up all the sale items.
4) Partner Up for Festive Fun
For those who need a little shopping advice …. form your own Black Friday shopping team. Recruit friends and family members to provide the extra hands you need to get the best deals. And award your own “black belt” to those who successfully help you reach your goals. At the end of the day you can treat them to a GGP Mall Gift Card for all their help.
5) Think About You Too
Don’t hesitate to think about one item you have always wanted for yourself while you are shopping. Adding a certain something just for you makes the day fun. We have all been guilty of going shopping and buying more for ourselves than for others. If you train yourself to know that you are going to get one fabulous gift for yourself, you’ll begin to cut back on that habit.
Follow these helpful tips, and you will certainly be on your way to attaining your black belt in shopping this holiday season.
Courtesy of ARAcontent