As a new school year approaches, there is still no agreement between the United Federation of Teachers and the city Department of Education. This is very disconcerting. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has deferred layoffs of nearly 4,000 teachers, but he still is not budging on the important issue of a salary increase, albeit a minimal one.
The teachers in the city deserve a pay raise. They all work hard to formulate and drive instruction for their students under tough conditions, which add more unnecessary stress to their workday. It is time for the mayor and city Schools Chancellor Joel Klein to step up to the plate and work with the UFT and our hardworking and professional president, Michael Mulgrew, to come to a settlement regarding the contract and a salary increase.
Everyday living has become more difficult as daily expenses continue to rise. We teachers need to be able to pay our bills and other expenses like other workers in this city, state and country.
John Amato
Fresh Meadows