P.S 162
Cars cramped around public schools this afternoon, as residents voted on the new ballots earlier today. Locals said they could hardly read the ballot. Even with magnifying glasses provided for them.
Leon Ladman, who voted at P.S 162 in Bayside said “these polls were a pain in the ass! I can’t read the damned thing. Even with the magnifier they gave me!”
Irene Wong, a local resident said, “The only suggestion I have, is they should have one big ballot. And it’s so stupid. You have to use a magnifying glass? I did it the last election, for the primaries, but this was even smaller.”” Her husband Mr. Wong said, “The little thing is so hard to see.”
P.S 130
Most residents who came out to vote at P.S 130 were senior citizens. Their primary concern was the size of the ballots. Magnifying glasses were provided, and even with them residents still had trouble reading the ballots.
My eyes aren’t that great, and they could have made it [the print] a little bigger,” said Robert Conte, who came out to vote this afternoon, adding “It felt like I was taking the SATs! That’s what it first reminded me of. I don’t know why they changed it,” He added.
Josephine Thorsen a local resident said, “I can’t see! We have to report it to the mayor, adding residents should contact 3-1-1 about this problem.
Her son, Joe Thorson said he votes as a democrat, but locally he voted republican in support of Padavan. “Avella had a dirty campaign”, he said.
“The ballots could have been bigger. Especially if you’re a senior citizen, it’s harder to read.”
Jason K., a local resident said, “I think it’s important for young people to go out and vote today. I’m 20 and I’ve been voting since I turned 18. It’s important.”