
Citizenship application help

Due to the economy or lack of information and professional help, many people are confused about becoming American citizens, but now there is help for residents of Queens.

Councilmember Julissa Ferreras, along with CUNY Citizenship Now and the Community Legal Resource Network (CLRN) at the CUNY law school, organized a drive to help the community in Queens with citizenship applications.

The event was held on January 29 in the Langston Hughes Community Library in East Elmhurst, where a hundred applications for citizenship were completed.

Isaac Mendosa, 28, of Astoria, hopes to attend the next event.

“I don’t have a lot of money, but I know it is very important for me to become a citizen in the future,” Mendosa said.

Being the daughter of immigrant parents, Ferreras noted she understands the situation.

“Citizenship is another brick in achieving the American Dream, where individuals gain more access to better jobs and obtain more privileges such as the right to vote,” Ferreras said.

Volunteers who participated in the unit are trained to guide people seeking help to apply for citizenship.

“When seeking assistance in applying to become a citizen or other needed immigration services, know that there are programs offering free assistance, programs that are filled with expert and professional people eager to help,” Ferreras said.

The CLRN provided legal assistance to low-income immigrants with naturalization applications, family petitions, and adjustment of status and general immigration inquiries.

The next confirmed dates for help sessions for the public are on Tuesday, March 22 and April 19. The schedule will be from 5 to 8 p.m. People will be helped only if they have appointments.

For more information call 718-545-4040 or contact Ferreras’ office at 718-651-1917.