Those growing up during the late 60s and early 70s may remember Ultra Violet (also known as Isabelle Collin Dufresne) as a psychedelic colleague and superstar of Andy Warhol’s factory. Today, her work can be seen at Queens Community College (QCC) with her latest piece that is being considered for the 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero.
MEMORIAL IX XI is her palindromic design that forces the viewer to look at the date – September 11 – in a new way. After the attack, she says her art was more drastic and violent; a theme that did not provide the healing qualities as her latest work.
“I’m an American. I’m a New Yorker and I’m an artist,” said Ultra Violet. “Those three elements together forced me respond. I had to react … I hope MEMORIAL IX XI will be a symbol that is uplifting. We have to turn a very heavy page.”
The QCC Art Gallery is filled with IX XI works both large and small and will be displayed until October 10. For more information about the exhibit, visit the QCC website at call 718-631-6396.