
Natural Gas Bills Expected to Drop This Year: Con Ed

Recent Weekend Demand Set Record

Con Edison expects customers’ gas bills to decrease again due to lower natural gas prices, it was announced. Residential gas heating bills are expected to drop 11.5 percent from last year-saving customers an average of $42 per month.

The 2011-2012 average gas-heating winter bill from November to March is expected to be approximately $322 per month, down from $364 during this time last year. The amount is based on monthly usage of 236 therms.

Con Edison delivers gas to 1.1 million customers in Manhattan, the Bronx, and parts of Queens and Westchester County. Last Sunday, Jan. 15, these customers helped set a new distribution load record as Con Edison delivered 979,191 dekatherms of gas in one day. That broke the company’s old record of 967,908 dekatherms on Jan. 3, 2010.

Customers who are interested in converting to natural gas can learn more about the benefits of using this natural gas energy and available en incentives by visiting Con Edison’s newly-launched website, www.conEd.com/gasconversions.