
Police Memorial at Lphoa Meet

Details about the Arlington Police Memorial Monument at Cypress Hills Cemetery and an update on local crime highlighted the Liberty Park Home Owners Association (LPHOA) meeting on June 5, at Glendale Reformed Church. As noted, Joe Wolff (third from right) provided a historical overview of the Arlington memorial, which honors the lives of fallen police officers in New York City. Capt. John Travaglia, executive officer of the 104th Precinct (second from right) and P.O. Tony Jimenez (at left) of the 104th Precinct Community Affairs Unit also were on hand for the session as was Lydon Sleeper (at far right), chief-of-staff to City Council Member Elizabeth Crowley. They are pictured with LPHOA members (from left to right) Cathy Murawski, Barbara Lombardi, David Sands and Thomas Murawski, the civic group’s president.