
A battle that needs to be won

By Ed Horn

The attacks on Paris were a declaration of war not only against the West but against all nations that are deemed not a supplicant to ISIS. Many have speculated how the nations of the world would react to an alien invasion. ISIS is the alien among us that has struck.

NATO with the aid of others—Russia and China—could easily retake Raqqa, Mosul and Fallujah. Citizens comprehending the imminent threat would support destroying the strongholds of ISIS. Seeking out and killing not only the leaders of ISIS, but terminating any member of the group as well, is now mandated.

Immediately all nations should declare that any citizens who went to fight with ISIS have their passports declared null and void. They should be stripped of their citizenship, deemed an armed danger and treated accordingly. It is also inevitable that the attacks end migration to the West by refugees and asylum seekers. Rather than running from the ISIS threat it is time for these people to fight their enemy.

The problem with putting boots on the ground to achieve destruction of the ISIS strongholds is the stumbling block. As learned from Afghanistan and Iraq, winning a battle is easy for the West but unless it is willing to hold the ground for an indefinite time, the war could never be won. Whether there is the courage by leaders to confront this fact and to state it clearly to voters is truly why the future of this fight remains in question.

Ed Horn

Community Relations

St. Michael’s Cemetery

East Elmhurst