College Point $5.4 million renovation project restores waterfront access to MacNeil Park in College Point By Jenna Bagcal
Politics Vallone proposes tourism office to serve as intermediary between NYC tourists, businesses and agencies By Jenna Bagcal
Astoria Queens councilman honors Astoria resident for contributions to Italian-American community By Jenna Bagcal
Transportation Program providing free transportation services for Queens senior citizens returns for fourth year this week By Jenna Bagcal
Environment DSNY adds seven eastern Queens community boards to e-waste collection program By Jenna Bagcal
College Point Controversial College Point shelter will now house 200 homeless women instead of men By Jenna Bagcal
Politics Queens lawmaker demands that city provide more data on progress of mayor’s New York Works jobs plan By Jenna Bagcal
Kids & Education Queens councilman’s new bill seeks to improve the state of food for city dwellers By Jenna Bagcal
Astoria Councilman Constantinides officially joins the race for Queens borough president By Bill Parry
Bayside ‘It’s David versus Goliath’: Bayside High School parents will rally for equitable funding and consider legal action By Jenna Bagcal
Auburndale Public schools in Whitestone and Auburndale among 17 northeast Queens schools to get cultural program funding By Jenna Bagcal
Bay Terrace Northeast Queens lawmakers call on FAA to make alternative North Shore Helicopter Route permanent By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Bayside High School PTA and Vallone call on DOE to give fair share of funding By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside City Council approves co-namings of intersections in College Point, Whitestone and Bayside By Jenna Bagcal
Bay Terrace Bay Terrace gets a brand-new sign welcoming visitors to their corner of Bayside By Jenna Bagcal
Whitestone After more than a decade of advocacy, a Whitestone intersection gets long-awaited all-way stop sign By Jenna Bagcal
Whitestone Whitestone’s Francis Lewis Park to get long-awaited makeover through $2 million in secured city funds By Jenna Bagcal
Astoria SEE IT: Get your July 4 fireworks fix early with these pyrotechnic pictures from Bayside and Astoria shows By Robert Pozarycki
Auburndale Northeast Queens councilman secures nearly $19 million in capital funding for District 19 schools, libraries and parks By Jenna Bagcal
Bayside Lawmakers celebrate new early polling site in Bayside following their letter to the Board of Elections By Jenna Bagcal
Whitestone Vallone calls for solar powered traffic signals nearly a year after Whitestone teen’s tragic death By Jenna Bagcal
College Point Katz comes out against College Point homeless shelter, but residents question her timing By Jenna Bagcal
amNY ‘Back to the Bridges’: Demonstrators march across the Brooklyn Bridge for civil rights on 60th anniversary of ‘Blood Sunday’