By Harvey Goodman
Probably the best way to understand some of the gardening problems in our community is to share with our readers a few of the letters to the Plant Doctor. It is not unusual that a problem and possible solution recommended for one individual, may be of value to others. I have selected two pieces of e-mail that I think you may find of interest:
I have a few questions concerning sod.
Early in the Spring I laid 50 pieces in my backyard. [Most] of it looks great, but [about] 10 percent is thinning out and kind of spotty. Do I treat this now or wait? What would I use to treat it? How do I winterize it?
I am thinking of laying sod in my front yard which has rocks right now. Is summer a good time to lay sod, or should I wait for the fall or spring of next year?
Location, location, location. Like business, gardening often depends on a unique location in order to be successful. The section of sod that is thinning out and is spotty, albeit in the same general area, may have conditions that are really very different than the surrounding area.
There are several possible causes for the problem. For instance, the area may be visited by pets