By Sabina Cardali
Welcome to the Point. The Point being College Point.
The snowmen are still wearing their scarves, so who are we to do differently? The birds are still braving the elements and they are looking for snow boots to gather their food.
The Eagles did soar in spite of the ice at the Eagle Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 18, College Point. The honorees were John Haseney, 17 years old and a Junior at St Francis Prep. John says, “After all these years I look back on my scouting career and all the things I’ve learned and I do not regret one single moment that I was there.”
Michael Mahon, 15 years old and a sophomore at Regis High School. For his Eagle Project, he organized and carried out a book drive. He donated the books to the public library, a children’s hospital and other organizations in order to give others the opportunity to read. Michael says, “Becoming an Eagle Scout has been one of my greatest, proudest and most difficult accomplishments. I am honored to have reached this point and will never forget the things I have learned in the Boy Scouts and will always use these skills in the future.”
Daniel V. McCloskey, 16 years old, junior at St. Francis Prep. Daniel says, “My years as a Boy Scout have given me many things. They have given me much of the knowledge and experience that I will need to continue successfully in the future. As an Eagle Scout, I hope to continue to be active in Troop 18 and to provide the essential leadership that the younger scouts will need to become good scouts. Scouting has given me its most valuable lessons and experiences and I know that they will stay with me forever.”
Eric Petersen, 15 years old and a sophomore at Martin Luther High School. Eric says, “I was asked to attend the National Junior Leader Instructor Course as part of the New Jersey Cluster Contingent. The training is the highest youth training available and is offered only on a national level. I am presently a member of the National Honor Society, German Club, Student Government, play on the soccer, wrestling and varsity baseball teams. As a freshman I was nominated as Athlete of the Year and was one of seven in my class to receive the Scholar-Athlete award.”
Troop 18 was established in 1935. John Neugebauer, scoutmaster; assistant scoutmasters Ed Bergold, Gerry Castro, Paul Donofrio, Brent Good, Eddy Petersen. Committee: Pat McCloskey, Chairperson, Barbara Arocho, Ernie Haseney, Maureen Haubrich, Maureen Morris, Gerry Castro, Mike Jackson, Carolyn Haseney, Kathy Lugo, Mike Megerdichian.
Invited guests who participated included Sen. Frank Padavan, American Legion Commander Robert Lewis, Knights of Columbus’ John DeMonte, President of the College Point Board of Trade Fred Mezzarello, and VFW Commander Hector Defendbene. President of the College Point Security Patrol Rocco Cardali, besides making the usual congratulatory remarks, awarded $250 to each Eagle Scout to go toward their school tuition. St. Fidelis hosted the event. Special thanks to Ad Design for printing and Rocco’s Deli for the food.
A speedy recovery to Phil LaFurno and to Robert Spitz.
A very Happy Birthday to Fr. James F. Fraser
Happy 84th Birthday to Everett Klein..
Congratulations to Ann-Margaret Carrozza and Dr. William Duke, joined in matrimony.
College Point Little League Early Registration: Teams are now being formed for Spring 2001 season for all players 5 to 18 years old. Sign up early and save! (Fees will increase $15 after Feb. 10). Early registration fees: $75 first child, $50 second child. $45 T-Ball/Pee Wee. Dates for early registration: Thursday, Feb. 1, Thursday, Feb. 8, Saturday, Feb. 10. Thursdays: 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Register in person at the College Point Little League Building at 13-20 123rd Street. (Bring the player to make sure the uniform fits). Must bring a copy of birth certificate and proof of residence along with registration fee (cash, check or money order.)
By this time, you should have shoveled out to the street so that mail carriers, deliverymen, sanitation workers, and visitors could get to your house without falling. It is against the law to put pails out in the street to reserve parking spots — you will be ticketed by the Police Department.
The truck from St. Vincent de Paul Society will be at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday Feb. 25th from 8 a.m. to noon, to accept good-condition, clean clothing for all seasons. No furniture will be accepted. Please do not bring clothes to church before that date since they do not have the space to store the items.
Congratulations to these girls who bowled over 200 at the Whitestone Lanes Bowling Alley: Greta Hruska, Maureen Pupplo, Patti McCarthy, Debbie Renart. Leading the pack at the alley was Barbara Nebbergill with 232.
Joyce Shepherd was at an event where many, many of her supporters were and urged her to run for the 19th City Council District for the Democratic Party. Food was great and there even was a delicious cake with an emblem of NYC.
SABINA SAYS: Congratulations to our new President Bush and wish him the fortitude and perseverance to face each of the problems that confront him and his staff and to come to a solution that will benefit mankind.